Adobe Creative Cloud

Recently, Adobe moved away from perpetual licensing for their popular creative products such as Photoshop and Premiere to a subscription model or “Software as a Service” (SaaS).  Customers can pick any particular Adobe application, pay a nominal monthly fee (usually $9.99 or $19.99) and install and run it on two computers.  Alternatively, one can subscribe to the entire Adobe Creative Cloud library of applications (20+) for $49.95 (or $19.95 for students and teachers).  With the subscription service you are guaranteed to always have the most updated version installed with all the newest features.  This makes these tools much more affordable.  For example, historically, to outright purchase a perpetual single license for any of their most popular applications such as PhotoShop, Illustrator or Premiere you were looking at close to $1000/ea.  In fact, when you add up the price tags of all the individual products you can install and use in the Creative Cloud, the total value is over US$10,000.

Creative Cloud Apps include:

Adobe Acrobat® XI Pro
Adobe After Effects® CC
Adobe Audition® CC
Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Single Edition
Adobe Dreamweaver® CC
Adobe Edge Animate
Adobe Edge Code preview
Adobe Edge Inspect
Adobe Edge Reflow preview
Adobe Edge Web Fonts
Adobe Extension Manager
ExtendScript Toolkit
Adobe Fireworks® CS6
Adobe Flash® Builder® 4.7 Premium Edition
Adobe Flash Professional CC
Adobe Illustrator® CC
Adobe InDesign® CC
Adobe Muse CC
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5
Adobe Prelude® CC
Adobe Premiere® Pro CC
Adobe Scout
Adobe SpeedGrade® CC

You also receive 20GB of cloud storage with your Creative Cloud subscription.

For more information visit

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